Insub Meta Orchestra

The Insub Meta orchestra (IMO) is a large ensemble gathered around the experimental and electroacoustic practice. It was founded in 2010 by the Cyril Bondi and D’incise duo. It consists of about fifty permanent members that form the thirty international musicians present at each concert. Born from questionings on improvisation in a large group, the IMO built with time a strong collective and typical background where the individual gesture get lost in the production of global sonic states. Thus subtle matters emerge and interact with silence. The notions of improvisation or composition become confused in a constant research of a specific development in the context of this orchestra. Its axes are the place of silence, an electroacoustic and extensive listening, the work on durations, the mimetism, low volumes, non-hiérarchical relations, the circulation of information.

Alexandra Bellon (percussion) – Alexis Degrenier (hurdy-gurdy) – Anna-Kaisa Meklin (viola da gamba) – Andreas Glauser (electronic) – Angelika Sheridan (flutes) – Antoine Läng (voice) – Anouck Genthon(violin) – Béatrice Graf (percussion) – Brice Catherin (cello) – Bruno Crochet (electronic) – Christian Müller (clarinet) – Christian Neff (violin) – Christoph Schiller (zither) – Christophe Berthet (saxophone)– Cyril Bondi (percussion) –d’incise (electronic) – Dorothea Schürch (voice) – Eric Ruffing (electronic)  – Fred Minner (bass) – Gerald Perera (doublebass) – Golem Mecanique (electronic) – Hans Koch(clarinet) – Heike Fiedler (voice) – Isandro Ojeda-García (electronic) – Ivan Verda (guitar) – Jamasp Jhabvala (violin) – Loïc Grobety (bass) –  Lucien Danseizen (objects) – Luc Müller (percussion) – Marei Seuthe (cello) – Marina Tantanozi (flutes) – Maxime Hänsenberger (percussion) –  Patricia Bosshard(violin) – Raphaël Ortis (electronic) – Regula Gerber (doublebass) –Rodolphe Loubatière (percussion) – Sébastien Branche (saxophone) – Sandra Weiss (bassoon) – Steve Buchanan (saxophone) – Tassos Tataroglou (trumpet) – Teresa Hackel (recorder) – Thierry Simonot (electronic) –Thomas Peter(electronic) – Violeta Motta (flutes) – Vincent Ruiz (doublebass) – Vinz Vonlanthen (guitar) – Wanda Obertova (voice) – Yann Leguay (electronic) – Yukari Curty (flutes)



Nordic Tour, September 21-25 2022


