March 2024 – ongoing
Concert series dedicated to improvised music, curated by Philipp Eden and Marina Tantanozi. The series started in March 2024 and takes place monthly at Wurm.Club in Basel. Murmur is funded by Fachausschuss Musik BS/BL
2016 – 2020
Concert series based in Basel, was dedicated to experimental music and improvised music, curated by Marina Tantanozi and Tassos Tataroglou. Starting at the end of 2015 until the beginning of 2020, KlangBang offered a space for improvisers of all disciplines to present their work and to create networks for collaboration. Artists and performers from all over the world have been sharing the stage at the events, taking place at the Projektraum Flatterschafft once a month. Since the beginning of 2018, KlangBang collaborated with FIM Basel – Forum for improvised music and dance – sharing the goal of creating a diverse audience for the improvised music scene of Switzerland.